Friday, January 24, 2014


Thursday, January 23, 2014

So now we are back to the present. 

I have finished adding the entries from my travel journals, documenting the memories of my trips to France. I will go forward from here, and plan to pepper these new posts with some of my favorite pictures from previous trips. 

As Desmond says,
 "Because stairs always lead to adventure." Blois, France

Craig and I are anticipating our next adventure in France. We have plans to visit the beautiful town of Annecy, which is close to the Swiss border. We may also spend a day or two in Switzerland, if things work out.

 A beautiful street in Blois, France.

RECIPE: Here is a delightful French yogurt cake recipe from Kristin Espinasse, who writes a wonderful blog "French Word A Day". (I highly recommend that you subscribe.) I make this cake often, sometimes using lemon yogurt and adding a bit of lemon zest. I love to top it with fresh blueberries and a dollop of whipped cream to which more lemon zest has been added.

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